Posts Tagged ‘ amazing feats ’


15 min AMRAP

3 Deadlift 275/ 185

3 Power clean 185/125

200 m row

M1:225/135, 165/105

M2: 185/ 125, 135/95

M3: 155/ 105, 105/65

MM: 135/ 95, 75/45

From Crossfit Bolt

“Just wanted to share this image of one our members, Jason Graves, who has lost over 100lbs in a little over six months. So proud of this guy and I know he can be an inspiration to others. I love our competitors and I love to watch the amazing feats by Games athletes, but I am equally as astounded by guys like Jason. With very little athletic background he came to us determined to change his life. Jason is about the most humble guy I know and it was amazing to be a part of his transformation. Thank you CrossFit! This picture is worth a thousand words.” — Matt McCraney